The Children Movie Review

A 2008 Christmastime horror movie, The Children is what you would expect. A tale of murderous things noted by what follows "The" in the title. Yes, science fiction movies that's right - killer children! This concept sounds like it would be stupid camp, but actually this English film plays the concept a lot more seriously than that. However, does it

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Escape From the Planet of the Apes Movie Review

The third movie in the Planet of the Apes series, and the only one made with sequels actually in mind, Escape takes the apes out science fiction movie reviews of the familiar dystopian future and into our own past. Well, at the time of the film's release it was still the future, but how has time treated this well recieved classic in science fiction

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Terrifier Movie Review

Art the Clown is back! Or, is... in his first outing! Depends on where you put the previous Damien Leone shorts in horror movies the hierarchy, but Terrifier is a (blog post) full 90 sci-fi movies minute romp where Art the Clown does what Art the Clown does best. No, that is not explain his motives in the slightest.Source: Terrifier Movie Review -

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